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November 30, 2021

Each member of the family in his own cell of consciousness, each making his own patchwork quilt of reality – collecting fragments of experience here, pieces of information there. From the tiny impressions gleaned from one another, they created a sense of belonging and tried to make do with the way they found each other.

— Toni Morrison
Room Ful’A Sistahs Print by Ernie Barnes 17 x 26 in

Gathering threads, Rethreading a community- based sense of ethics. Reaching out and stepping into something deeper.

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  1. Beautiful all-around. The artwork is stunning, as is the quote, and poem. When we share our realities with others then we get to weave that sense of connection together, and our truths become something more, they become our reality. A place full of safety, trust, and companionship. Beautiful. Good morning, Abi. ❤️

    • Thank you Jeff♥️, that’s the way it is, like you described. I can only see beauty arising from growing community based ethics so all corners of the country come alive, sparkle with their unique features of literature song dance manufacture produce, the possibilities are endless in a glorious patchwork quilt of things that keep us together and happy.

      • You’re most welcome, Abi. That is gloriously written, my dear friend, and I completely agree. ❤️❤️

      • Thanks Jeff❤❤, what an exciting pattern to follow, building community-based ethics and pride.

      • Yes, indeed. ❤️❤️

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