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June 27, 2024
dee nickerson
Four women at the forefront 

At the edge of the waters

Men in deep discourse

  1. I’m really digging this ekphrastic series of yours!

    • Thank you so Poet 💓
      It’s an exciting journey and I warmly embrace your encouragement and support.

  2. 🤗 🤗 🤗

  3. I saw what you did there with the nicely superlatives double use of four/fore. Outstanding point of view and message. Brilliant!

    • Sorry for the late replies. Since yesterday, we had a storm which caused a temporary power outages, which in turn causes internet upload issues in my wordpress notifer…the poor app not knowing when it’s online or offline.

      • Not to worry at all Poet. These problems beset us come storm or bad service. I’ve been running on mobile data since our wifi is down.

    • Thank you Poet. This painting contains so many interesting messages and stories. The four women featured prominently so theirs were the first to tell. I am also fascinated by the dogs who are keenly listening to the ongoing conversation of both groups; the men and the women while the children are without a care in the world.
      Thank you for reading and your wonderful inspiration.

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